You are beautiful

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Do you sometimes wish you were somebody other than yourself? Someone more beautiful or wiser than you or… more perfect? This imaginary perfection is not what God has designed you to be. This plan will encourage you to throw out that image and embrace fully who you are. Start this five-day plan by Loop for Women devotional to love yourself just as God made you.

Day 1

My daughter, you are the one I made. You are the one I crafted. You are the one I adorn with garlands, with beauty I see, with beauty that sweeps Me off my feet.

I love you.

I love you.

And there is not guilt and cost and expectation in it. I love you because I do. You can’t alter it. You can’t change Me. You are what I have made, and I love what I have made.

Look up now, not down. I mean this: 

I love you. 

Like this.

How you are. 

Right now.

There is nothing to chase down, my love. There is nothing to earn or improve or repair. I create. I heal what I have made. Let me lean in, place my hand upon your heart.

I was there when you believed, for the first time, you weren’t beautiful. I was there, the second time, and the next time, too. I want you to know, I was there. 

I was there when my daughter, whom I crafted, whom I adore, whom I formed and designed and shape ever still, believed she was less than what she should be. Less perfect, less valued, less worthy than. . . Less than whom? Less than what, my daughter?

You are beautiful because I made you. You are exquisite because I shaped you. You are worthy because I say so. I chose you. I chose to make you. 


And daughter, I don’t make mistakes.

My love, hold my hand. See how I extend it to you, and I love to be with you.

My beautiful one.

My daughter.


Accompanying bible verses

AMP Version

Psalms 139:14

I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Wonderful are Your works,
And my soul knows it very well.


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Read day 2 of this devotional here

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