Finding rest from burnout
Burnout is a sure sign of a misplaced identity. Think about it. The highly motivated, cut-throat young attorney. She’s likely entangled her self-worth with success at work.
Burnout is a sure sign of a misplaced identity. Think about it. The highly motivated, cut-throat young attorney. She’s likely entangled her self-worth with success at work.
Imagine you’re standing on a hill by yourself. A stream trickles beside you while birds chirp happily above you. The sun beats down on your face while a gentle breeze blows by.
You’ve probably heard it so many times that you can recite it along with the flight attendant. We are told that in the unlikely event that there is a loss of cabin pressure, an oxygen mask will automatically appear and, if traveling with someone who requires assistance, you are instructed to secure your own mask […]