You Are Greatly Loved
For years I believed the lie that I was not enough, my background was not enough, my family was not enough, and my real story was not enough. I felt like I was too different, and no one understood the real me.
For years I believed the lie that I was not enough, my background was not enough, my family was not enough, and my real story was not enough. I felt like I was too different, and no one understood the real me.
We live in a “me first” society. Our culture tells us that what matters most is my happiness and my dreams. We require our rights, our needs, and our wants first…then perhaps we can think about other people.
We live in a “me first” society. Our culture tells us that what matters most is my happiness and my dreams. We require our rights, our needs, and our wants first…then perhaps we can think about other people.
More than ever before, individuals are seeking the spotlight of personal glory. In contrast, Christians are called to shine brightly for the glory of God. What does that look like practically?
My daughter, I see you. I know where you’ve been. I know where you’re going. I know you are grown, and that you are afraid and you still feel a little girl inside. Do you know I call you to be free? Do you know it breaks my heart to see you in such pain?
God has an outside voice, and He’s not afraid to use it. But when God wants to be heard, when what He has to say is too important to miss, He often speaks in a whisper just above the absolute threshold of hearing. My dictionary defines whisper as “speaking very softly using one’s breath without one’s vocal […]