3 Things you can give because you’ve been given the gift of victory
Jesus, through the cross and resurrection, has defeated sin, guilt and death. As a result, one day you will be raised ‘imperishable’ and ‘immortal’.
Jesus, through the cross and resurrection, has defeated sin, guilt and death. As a result, one day you will be raised ‘imperishable’ and ‘immortal’.
More than ever before, individuals are seeking the spotlight of personal glory. In contrast, Christians are called to shine brightly for the glory of God. What does that look like practically?
The moment you accept Jesus as the Lord over your life, you are redeemed. As the redeemed, we experience a lifelong journey of being transformed into His image. As redeemed women, we grow in the grace of Christ, and He calls us to extend grace to others. ~ Redeemed “Have faith in what God has […]
The Bible tells us that our debt of sin has a serious consequence. “Your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you so that he will not hear” (Isaiah 59:2). Our sins have separated us from God. The realization of this moral debt sends some people into a […]
DAY 3 Sometimes it is all just too much. War. Poverty. Violence. Injustice. The unending stream of news pours in from social media and TV and radio stations. Something is terribly wrong with our world. This is not how it should be. And yet we find ourselves powerless in the face of it. Yes, we […]