3 Things you can give because you’ve been given the gift of victory
Jesus, through the cross and resurrection, has defeated sin, guilt and death. As a result, one day you will be raised ‘imperishable’ and ‘immortal’.
Jesus, through the cross and resurrection, has defeated sin, guilt and death. As a result, one day you will be raised ‘imperishable’ and ‘immortal’.
I remember so well praying for a baby called Craig. I had been asked to visit a woman in the Brompton Hospital. Vivienne had three children and was pregnant with a fourth. Her third child, who was eighteen months old.
Pippa and I met Ah Yin when we visited Jackie Pullinger in Hong Kong. He had become a drug addict as a teenager. His father was an addict. He was brought up in the notorious Walled City. He joined a gang at the age of eleven. They ate, stole, fought and took heroin together. At […]