Why do we go to church on a Sunday and not a Saturday?

Reading Time: 2 Mins

The question of the ages is why do we go to church Sunday and not Saturday like all seventh day adventists. I finally found out the answer and it makes so much sense to me. If you’ve often wondered the same yourself, keep reading and finally put this ongoing debate to rest!


I just learned something that blew my mind. 

Now don’t judge me if you’ve been aware of this for some time, okay. 

All my life I believed the week started on a Monday🙆🏾‍♀️.

Maybe it’s because of the way society has push the days of the week on us, but I genuinely thought the week started Monday and ended Sunday.

My sister informed me not too long ago, the week actually starts on a Sunday.

I didn’t think too much of it at first. But then I began wondering:

If the week starts on a Sunday, that means the seventh day is a Saturday. So if that’s the case, why have I been going to church all my life on a Sunday?

The whole Seventh day adventist thing is starting to make sense to me just a little bit more.

But truthfully, I didn’t really look into it until I was reading my devotional today. Reading about when Jesus arose from the dead and revealed Himself to Mary first in the book of John.

Just after He sent her to tell the rest of the disciples what she had heard and seen, verse 19 starts of by saying:

So when it was evening on the same day, the first day of the week…


The bible just solidified what my sister had told me and so I really looked into why we go to church on a Sunday and not a Saturday.

Now google is my best friend and usually gives me the answers I’m looking for.

I found out that most Christians celebrate on Sunday because it is the day which Jesus rose from the dead and on which the Holy Spirit came to the apostles.

But then if that’s the case, are we not going against what the bible says? God rested the seventh day and the bible says we are to “remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.”

I found a blog post that details out the what and the why of this ongoing debate about going to church on a Sunday vs. a Saturday and why those of us that do church it up Sundays are not, in fact, going against God’s word.

If you’re interested in finding out more, I definitely suggest giving it a read. It opened up my eyes a little more and helped me understand this whole thing!

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